Finally, first term's over! I can now say bye bye to the html codes and baranggay related articles of PRINPRO, the movies and video assignments of FEATURE, the early morning classes, community service and presentation sh*t of RELSTRI, the funny and interesting (although sometimes stressful) projects of CONCEPT, the TV productions and set designs of TELEPRO , and sadly, the magic and wonder of LITELEC... All in all, I can say that it was a very interesting term. I did enjoy most of my classes and although stress levels reached their peaks at times, the fun factor was rarely absent from the scene. For some of my classes, I sometimes felt like we were just playing around. But don't get me wrong ha. It wasn't just a walk in the park. I learned a lot though, there's morality, tv production, websites ekek and lay-outing of print stuff, conceptualizing ekek, hyperspeed reading (it helps if you enjoy it.haha), shooting with dreamy effects ekek, and a whole lot more. :)
Thank God nga pala and I'm back on the Dean's list na ulit! woohoo! ^_^ If it weren't for my numerous lates and absences, I would probably get higher grades dun sa ilang subjects, pero as it is... being late is kinda in my genes. so oh well! hahaha. :P
So yesterday I celebrated with a big tub of Cerealicious and two scoops of ice cream nung hapon. yummyummm! x_X

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