My mom keeps on nagging me on how I should sleep early specially now that sem break's here. But no matter how hard I tried to do that recently, it just seems impossible. Who would have thought that even in my sem break, I would still be busy with stuff to do? I didn't.
The farewell thingie for our HS teacher that we've postponed last month is to be pushed through tomorrow. Man, and it does take up a lot of effort, pain, sweat and tears! If it weren't for the dear angels who are there to help me, I would probably have a hell of a big headache. Thank you so much! I just hope and pray that it turns out well tomorrow. Planning and "people-gathering" is NOT an easy task. grrr.
My brother's contest is tomorrow. And considering the fact that I kinda helped in their play and with the hosts' script too, I think I have a little right or obligation to watch it. Oh, and yeah my brother has a lead role(kinda) so, I'm going to be a supportive sister here okay? (Bago yan!Eew, jowk)
Plus, I have to finish the Koreanovela I borrowed from Jana. I'm just losing my drive to watch it because the poor subtitles are starting to bug me already. Hehe.. Sometimes they make absolutely no sense and the grammar sucks. Plus at times, it disappears way too quickly. But don't get me wrong, the story's good and I adore Janna for lending it to me. And the lead guy is cute so that's a bonus!
I am also in the process of reading Harry Potter book 6. Yeah I know, I'm such a loser for having to read it just now when I think everybody has read it already.(or at least everybody who loves Harry) But I L O V E it nonetheless. And everytime I read it, it's like I'm being transported to a whole new world. Which is such a relief from this one! hehe...
And oh, my mom and dad see to it that I don't miss this one - my chores! Yup. I have a whole lot of them - from sweeping the floor, to cooking rice, to washing dishes even to do a bit of laundry. My golly! These chores make me wonder if schooldays are not so bad after all. haha...
Course card day is on Thursday and I'm trying hard not to think about it so as not to stress myself. But now, only God knows my fate in INTRECO.
Not to forget the up and coming GMG Leadership Training and Teambuidling Seminar (a.k.a LTTS) on Friday which I'm very excited about. This oughta be fun!
I've found my inspiration at last. And I'd like to say that Niko hit the jackpot on this one. You don't look for inspiration. It just calls you, este, comes to you. hehe.. What a holy surprise!

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