Dashboard Emergency

"Dashboard Emergency"
Inside a shuttle going to Makati.
August 28, 2009
Taken by: yanyan
Do I have enough to share?
Tomorrow I'll be going to DLSU to attend an event called "GEAR UP ORGCOMMARTS: Tips and Tricks on Career Opportunities". Basically, alumni of Communication Courses will be coming in to share their insights on how to pass the majors, graduate, look at career opportunities and get a job I guess. Now here's the thing, although I'm pretty confident about my talents as a presentor, speaker and overall communicator, I'm a little bit worried on whether or not I have enough experience and knowledge. It's only been a bit over a year since I graduated and started working, and I've only had (and still am at) that job as of the moment. So much for career options. But wait a minute, I guess I do have some things to say regarding that matter. I
could tell them about all the interviews I've been to before I had work and even during. (ssshh...) I won't divulge too much here, somebody might see. But anyway, I'm a perfect example of someone who might possibly be in a quarter-life crisis, and I'm betting that
that would be useful to them. Hahaha..
I'm excited to visit DLSU. I'm excited to share what I know. I'm excited to see my former professors (although that thought is a double-edged sword in itself). I'm excited that it's a holiday tomorrow. I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited!
Good grief. I hope my being there serves a meaningful purpose. Wish me luck!
Labels: life, school, work