Blame it on Multiply, Facebook and Twitter, they have kept me occupied and contented with the updates that I put there. Blame it on graduation and the fact that I had to start working, they filled my mind with a ton of other concerns. Blame it on my whirlwind love life, which went on again-off again, (although thankfully it has now normalized and steadied itself) it kept my passion focused for long periods. Blame it on boredom, it lets my mind flutter off to faraway places. Blame it on my quest to find my destiny and purpose, it has left me crazy-eyed and confused. Blame it on all of the drama that has happened in my life, they were too complicated and too long to write about. Blame it on life. Blame it on our internet connection at home. Blame it on... uhh... Blame it on me.
For what?

For not updating this blog with senseful things.
Tsk tsk tsk. . .